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Home » Nepali Top Singer & Musician » Ramesh Shrestha

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Ramesh Shrestha

Ramesh Shrestha is one artist who has climbed up the success ladder by singing patriotic songs. There used to be a time in his life when he used to travel singing folk songs together with the Rayans. The ease and the way he used to convert poems into songs were simply magnificent. In 2031 BS, he reworked on “Mero Pyaro Okheldhunga” penned down by Siddhi Charan Shrestha into a song and the way he sang it has brought nothing but praises.
Since childhood, he was a good-natured person. From an early age itself, he did not tolerate injustice. Maybe due to this nature, he couldn’t stick at Radio Nepal, where he was employed, for long. However, it was with Radio Nepal that he had come to the limelight, the best thing being his acquaintance with Parijat. After her request, he even went to her place and started singing with her. They used to sing songs mostly on human rights and social injustices. They had even formed a team then and it was called Ralfa. So it was no wonder when they became a household name soon after.
During 2028 BS, he became one of the most active members of Nepali Bampanthi Andolan. Though he was very devoted towards the goals and aspirations of this political party, he decided to part his ways in 2039 BS. In spite of all these distractions in his life, for him his music was always his first priority. After he quit from the responsibilities of the party, he went back to Ralfa and continued his passion, which had started from 2024 BS and continued until 2029 BS.
Associating himself with Ralfa, he started singing satirical songs and hence traveled to many places. Initially, their songs used to be the voice against injustice in the society and the government in general and later they changed their vocation towards singing only songs about wrong principles. The reason for singing these types of numbers was because they wanted and wished for a better Nepal.
Ramesh Shrestha started singing since his childhood, continued doing so, and hence became a successful singer. He was born on Ashar 8, 2001 BS in Tansen, Palpa to Karna Bahadur Shrestha and Shiva Laxmi Shrestha. They actually hail from Okhaldhunga. He has four brothers and three sisters. Until date, Ramesh Shrestha has dedicated his life to the country and to its people. When he was young, he was always on the move singing and struggling to earn a decent living. He never thought of settling down. It was only in the latter years of his life that he decided to tie the knot. He married Laxmi (Smriti) in 2047 BS. Laxmi Shrestha is the vice-principal at the Tribhuvan University and, Ramesh Shrestha is busy in his school ‘Swarnim’, which he is operating along with his friends. He has completed his education until IA. He is also very good in writing stories, articles and poems. He has sung about 300 numbers, composed music for around 150 songs and written about 25 songs. He even taught at Bal Mandir for 14 years. To his credit, he has released five albums. His contributions to the Nepali music is worth of a thousand praises and you can bet on the fact that he will be forever etched on the memories of all Nepali music lovers.

Narendra Raj Prasai

Nepali to English
Translated by
Dipti Sherchan

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